The Pirates advance to the playoffs!
Thank you to the Waco VFW Post #2148 for providing our 8th Grade students with a surprise pizza party for their participation in the Patriot's Pen contest. Congratulations to Ilisha Stricklin & Sariah Brown on their awards. Thanks Mrs. Andrade for supporting this project.
Pirate Nation,
Let’s wish the Chilton ISD skills USA Team well as they compete at the Skills USA Leadership & Skills conference. Thank you to this trailblazing team and sponsor, Mr. Bobby Velasquez.
Our Varisty Boys will tip-off against the Rapoport Ravens for a play-in game (4th place seed spot) at Bruceville-Eddy gymnasium tonight @ 6 PM! WEAR YOUR BLUE & LET'S PACK THE GYM!!!
#RefuseToSink ⚓
Reminder Parents and Students:
There will be no school Monday, February 20, 2023. This day has been designated as a Student & Staff holiday.
Parents and Chilton ISD Stakeholders,
Please follow the link below for access to the following Chilton ISD accountability documents:
21-22 Federal Report Card
21-22 School Report Card
21-22 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
Should you need hard copies of these documents, please contact Mrs. Gayla Reid at or 254-546-1224.
Congratulations to Chilton ISD senior, Daniel Vargas, on being accepted into the Honors College at McLennan Community College. We look forward to your post-secondary accomplishments.
Visit the Chilton ISD News Page for more information regarding Chilton ISD Bond 2023:
You can also visit for pertinent information regarding Bond 2023.
February Sports Calendar
Each year, 11th grade students attend the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum. The trip serves to enhance their reading of Night, a novel written by Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, about his experiences.
#Engage #Experience #Explore #Excel
#RISE #Refuse2Sink
Friday, February 17th @ 6:00 p.m., our boys' basketball team will battle against the Rapoport Ravens for a play-in game (4th place seed spot ) at Bruceville-Eddy gymnasium. WEAR YOUR BLUE & LET'S PACK THE GYM!!!
#RefuseToSink ⚓
Congratulations to @MrLBMiguel Miguel Barron on receiving his first offer from McMurry University to continue his football career and further his education at the next level @chilton_isd
#Refuse2Sink #RISE
It's the Pirates Senior Night! Senior night will begin at 5:10 PM. The Varsity Boys will tip-off against Rosebud at 5:30 PM @ Chilton.
Congratulations to our very own Sariah Brown for advancing in the Patriot's Pen Contest.
Each year, nearly 68,800 students in grades 6-8 enter the VFW’s Patriot’s Pen youth essay contest for a chance to win their share of more than $1.4 million in state and national awards. Each first place state winner receives a minimum of $500 at the national level, and the national first place winner wins $5,000!
Dress up week is February 13 – 17
Urkel – Get Nerdy
Black Sitcom Characters
Rhythm Nation (Black Musician/Artist)
Chick Flicks (Characters of black mushy movies)
Set It Off (Crews from black films)
Congratulations to Angelica Aldava and Chloe Pruitt on winning 1st Place at the Waco Regional Tennis Tournament!!! #RefuseToSink
Good evening Pirate Nation. The junior high boys basketball team will play at Rosebud-Lott ISD for the junior high basketball tournament. The 7th grade boys will play at 10:00 a.m. and the 8th grade boys will play at 9:00 a.m. Let’s support our student athletes.
Good evening Pirate Nation. The Junior High girls basketball team will participate in our district tournament tomorrow, February 11, 2023 at Bruceville-Eddy. The 7th grade girls will play at 9:00 am and the 8th grade girls will play at 8:00 am. Let’s support our junior high student athletes.
National School Counselor Appreciation Week is a special time dedicated to recognizing the hard work and dedication of school counselors across the nation. School counselors are an integral part of school communities. They aid in students' success, providing academic, emotional, and social support to help them reach their full potential. Let's take this week to show appreciation for our fantastic school counselor, Dr. Donna Thompson. We thank you for all that you do!
Final Score