Let's wish our Pirates well as they comepete in the Regional Powerlifting Meet today in Wes Hardin! Ryan Barbera Markeydrick Taylor Colton Bosse Lorenzo Robles Angelito Smith Braden Steele Steven Randolph
almost 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Chilton Pirates
Today, Chilton ISD joined a group of 250 school districts and education organizations in asking the Texas Education Agency to pause its planned “refresh” of the A-F Accountability System which would retroactively increase the bar for College, Career and Military Readiness by 47%. We urge the legislature to intervene and ensure the elected representatives of the people evaluate the accountability system holistically to improve how we measure success and communicate school performance to families. Read the letter here: https://www.chiltonisd.org/documents/community-announcements/accountability-refresh/426242
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Hubbard
A few pictures from Whacky Wednesday during our Dr. Seuss week activities.
almost 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
whacky Wednesday
Whacky Wednesday
Whacky Wednesday
Whacky Wednesday
For seven consecutive years the Chilton ISD has maintained a Superior, 'A', rating on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST). This system rates the stewardship of the Board of Trustees and Superintendent in managing the financial resources of the district. For additional information regarding the proposed bond election, tax rate information, and financial stewardship, please attend the Chilton ISD Bond 2023 Town Hall meeting on Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Chilton ISD Cafeteria or visit ChiltonISDBond.com.
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Hubbard
Tax Rate History
Girls' golf is in full swing in Pirate Nation. Congratulations on another strong performance. #Refuse2Sink
almost 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Girls Golf
Girls Golf
Girls Golf
Girls Golf
The Chilton Band participated in the UIL Concert and sight reading competition on Wednesday. The band received a 2nd division rating for both portions of the competition. Congratulations to the band students, Mr. Beachum, and Mr. Horne on an excellent performance. #Rrefuse2Sink
almost 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Chilton ISD Band
Congratulations to these Lady Pirate Tennis Players! 🎾 Aviana Gamboa - 1st Place - Girls Singles Consolation Angelica Aldava & Chloe Pruitt - 1st Place - Girls Doubles (Undefeated)
almost 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Jelly & Chloe
Pirate Nation, Let's wish our band, The Blue Wave, the best as they participate in the UIL Concert and Sight-reading competition in Cameron. #Refuse2Sink
almost 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
HS Band
Our elementary students are celebrating Dr. Seuss week. Today they wore green for Green Eggs and Ham. Tomorrow, is Wacky Wednesday. Let's encourage our students to wear mismatched clothes or come with their clothes inside out. #ReadingIsFun
almost 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Dr Seuss
Dr Seuss
Dr Seuss
Dr Seuss
Congratulations to Angela Santana and ShaZayah Murphy-Jones on advancing to the State Powerlifting Competition in the Girls 2A Region 2 Division! ShaZayah Murphy-Jones set a Regional Record of 340 pounds in the Dead Lift competition. Angela Santana placed 2nd. WE REFUSE TO SINK ⚓
almost 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Girls Regional Powerlifting Results Overall Team - 4th Place Kim Carrizles - 3rd Place Germaiya Robinson - 7th Place Imari Wilson - 5th Place ShaZayah Murphy Jones - 3rd Place (State Qualifier lifting 760 pounds total, Regional Record 340 pounds, dead lift) Nikkeyah Huit - 4th Place Angela Santana - 2nd Place (State Qualifier) Shoshona Yarbrough - 3rd Place
almost 2 years ago, George Stricklin
FAFSA… and All Things “Senior”!! For Seniors and their Parents… MONDAY, February 27, 2023 5:00 pm Secondary School Library • Review the required checklist for graduation which includes CPR, Police Officer Interaction training, TSIA2/College Prep class and FAFSA • Review the senior’s graduation plan • Discuss Senior Trip, Baccalaureate, prom, etc. • Ensure that caps, gowns, etc. are ordered • Complete the senior’s required FAFSA (financial aid application) If the senior’s FAFSA is not complete, please bring parents’ and student’s SSNs, 2021 income tax returns, email addresses and FAFSA password/PIN. Cell phones and email may be used to verify accounts. Questions? Contact Dr. Donna Thompson, School Counselor dthompson@chiltonisd.org 254-546-1229
almost 2 years ago, George Stricklin
The Chilton ISD Board of Trustees voted to seek voter approval of a $14 million dollar bond issue. The bond package includes: Proposition A ($14 million) ● Safety & security upgrades to the both campuses ● Renovations and additions to the Primary school including restrooms, classrooms, common areas, and the library ● Adding classroom space to the high school to allow for removal of the existing portable classrooms to enhance safety and security ● Upgrades to the existing Ag Shop ● An expanded and renovated cafetorium ● A new band hall with storage space ● Additions to the existing gym ● Updated playgrounds For additional information please visit ChiltonISDBond.com or chiltonisd.org.
almost 2 years ago, Brandon Hubbard
Bond Friday #1
Pictured is our District Instructional Leadership Team undergoing Accountability Training with Karen Mayton of Region 12. The purpose of this training is to prepare our students, teachers, and district to implement changes that will allow for positive student outcomes. We Refuse To Sink!
almost 2 years ago, George Stricklin
District leadership training
District Leadership Training
Congratulations to Angelica Aldava and Chloe Pruitt for winning 1st Place in the Girl's Doubles Match at the Waco Tennis Tournament. Congratulations also to Tatiyana Sanchez and Zyrobia Landrum for coming in 3rd place at the Waco Regional Tennis Tournament.
almost 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Our Cinco De Mayo celebration is coming up on May 5, 2023! See flyer for more details.
almost 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Cinco de mayo
Good Day Pirate Nation! Some of our Lady Pirates will be competing in the Regional Powerlifting meet this Saturday, February 25, 2023, at 8 AM, at Bosqueville HS. Come out, and let's support our Lady Pirates as they compete to advance! Admission is $5 at the door. Those who will be competing are: Kim Carrizles Germaiya Robinson Imari Wilson ShaZayah Murphy-Jones Nikkeyah Huitt Angela Santana Caryssa Degrate Felicity Gamboa ShoShona Yarbrough
almost 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Chilton Pirates
Parents and Guardians, Please ensure that your 6th - 12th grade students charge their chromebooks prior to school tomorrow for Interim testing. Thank you for your assistance in this process.
almost 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Today is National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! We want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank our dedicated school bus drivers for their hard work and commitment to getting our kids to and from school safely. Thank You, Robert Judie, Wanda Judie, and Lahoma Taylor, for what you do!
almost 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Bus Driver Appreciation
Due to the playoff game, we are canceling the Elementary Family Night scheduled for Tuesday, February 21. Please join us in supporting our Boy’s Varsity Basketball Team at Robinson HS at 5PM! #Refuse2Sink
almost 2 years ago, Chilton ISD