Congratulations Lady Pirates!
almost 3 years ago, George Stricklin
Lady Pirates
Thank you Josh Bookbinder of Texas Tech University for visiting Chilton ISD. #Refuse2Sink #CP4L
almost 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
Huitt and Bookbinder
Pirate Nation, There will be a golf parent meeting at 6:30 pm on Monday, January 24 in the HS gym. Topics will include: practice time and location, transportation, expectations and rules for spectators at tournaments. Please attend if your child is playing golf. Thanks.
almost 3 years ago, Brandon Hubbard
Our Wednesday Morning Mindset: 100% Accountable Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy." - Anne Frank #MindsetMatters
almost 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
January 19
Our Tuesday Morning Mindset: We Are Connected Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." - Albert Einstein #MindsetMatters
almost 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
January 18
Today, we celebrate and honor the life & legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
almost 3 years ago, George Stricklin
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 17, 2022 is a student and staff holiday. We will see everyone Tuesday.
almost 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
Chilton ISD Senior Marly Cook. #RimProtector
almost 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
Marly Cook
Our Friday Morning Mindset: Live To Give Widen the path of opportunities and continue to leave a powerful and positive legacy in this world." - Luis Fonsi #MindsetMatters
almost 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
January 14
Our Thursday Morning Mindset: Attitude of Gratitude In the face of difficult challenges remember that these are blessings in disguise, push through them with faith." - Iris Soto #MindsetMatters
almost 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
January 13
RISE and SHINE Pirate Nation. If your student is home and participating as a virtual learner, please have them log in to their virtual session at this time. For questions, please call 254-546-1225 (Elementary) or 254-546-1224 (Secondary). Let's keep learning! #Refuse2Sink
almost 3 years ago, Brandon Hubbard
Alarm Clock
Our Wednesday Morning Mindset: 100% Accountable Character, not circumstances, makes the man." - Booker T. Washington
almost 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
January 12
Good Evening Pirate Nation. We look forward to seeing everyone return tomorrow, Wednesday January 12, 2022. However, the STARS afterschool program will resume on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Again, thank you for your flexibility and understanding.
almost 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
Good Afternoon Pirate Nation. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning. Thank you parents, families, and the Chilton ISD community for your flexibility and understanding as we adapt our plans to ensure that our students are learning in the safest environment.
almost 3 years ago, Brandon Hubbard
Pirate Nation, All Chilton ISD students and staff will return to in-person learning on Wednesday, January 12, 2022. Given the number of positive cases within our district, our administrative team will need another day to contact trace and ensure that we have done due diligence in making sure that all impacted individuals are notified. In addition, our maintenance and custodial crews are working to sanitize all Chilton ISD facilities and replace all air filters in our buildings. Thank you Pirate Nation for your flexibility and understanding during these times. We are making adjustments to our schedule to ensure that we have time to make up for these lost instructional days. At present, we will make the following changes: Friday, January 28 will be a full day of instruction and not a half day. Monday, February 21 will not be a student and staff holiday. We look forward to seeing our staff and students return on Wednesday, January 12, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Brandon Hubbard
Good Afternoon Pirate Nation. The Chilton ISD has experienced an increase in the number of active cases and quarantined students and staff over the weekend. At present, several staff members are awaiting testing and clearance before returning to classroom duties. With the number of staff members requiring testing, it would prove impossible to conduct school as normal on Monday, January 10, 2022. Therefore, Monday, January 10, 2022 will be a student holiday for Chilton ISD. Our administrative team will work Monday to devise a plan of action to ensure that we can safely return to learn on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. The building will be open for staff members who are not under isolation or quarantine to plan for instruction. Face coverings will be required in all in-door facilities. Thank you, in advance, for your flexibility and understanding as we adapt to this ever-evolving situation. I am confident that we will continue to serve our students to the best of our ability. Please stay safe and remain vigilant as we seek to ensure that our students, staff, and community remain safe.
about 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
Game cancelation notice
about 3 years ago, George Stricklin
Game Cancelation
It's Game Day! 🏀
about 3 years ago, George Stricklin
Pirates Vs Rapoport
The Chilton ISD community engagement committee will meet this evening at 6:00 p.m. in the district cafeteria. If you wish to attend and contribute to the Chilton ISD Facility plan, please attend tonight. Thank you, in advance, for helping us in this endeavor.
about 3 years ago, Brandon Hubbard
Our Thursday Morning Mindset: Attitude of Gratitude Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; It is something you design for the present." - Jim Rohn @suptbhubb @ministerslugger
about 3 years ago, Chilton ISD
January 6