No School Monday, September 5, 2022. Enjoy your Labor Day!
Pirate Nation,
We have three Pirates on the Week 2 Honor Roll:
Isaiah Redd and Markeydrick Taylor
Miguel Barron
Vote on every device as often as you can!
CP!!! YOU KNOW!!!!
CP!!!! YOU KNOW!!!!
Good Morning Pirate Nation. Please note that the volleyball game has moved from Chilton ISD to Coolidge ISD. The varsity game will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Coolidge. Please remember that the varsity football game will be in Italy at 7:00 p.m.
Let’s support our Pirates!!!!
Pirate Nation,
Our Jr. High will host an informal football scrimmage against Normangee starting at 4:30 pm tomorrow at Featherston Field. Immediately after, (slated for 5 PM) our Jr. Varsity Football Team will compete against Normangee. Please come out and support our Pirates.
Good Morning Pirate Nation. We have been informed that Bosqueville will not have a JV team. Therefore, the JV football game for tonight has been cancelled. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night.
2022-2023 Pirates cheer squad!
Nikkeyah Huitt
Maya Payne
Jada Calloway
Avery Bosse
Allayzhia Roddy
Emilie Chandler
Mariyah Suiters
Anagelina Parsons
Kimberly Carrizales
Makayla Morales
Gustavo Salazar
Samariyah Burks (Mascot)
Coaches: Linda Hubbard, LaTasha Redd
Come check out your Lady Pirates in action today at 5 PM against LaVega @LaVega
Attention Parents of Student-Athletes:
There will be a mandatory parent meeting for the parents or guardians of student athletes in both middle and high school. The meeting will be held in the high school gym at 6:30 p.m. Please contact Coach Bennie Huitt for questions or concerns.
Attention Elementary Parents:
Elementary parents can walk students to classroom doors from 7:30-7:50 for the first day of school. You must enter through Elementary front doors. All visitors must sign-in. If you are experiencing any COVID symptoms, we are asking that you not enter the building so that we can promote the health of all students and staff. We look forward to seeing everyone in the morning!
PirAte NAtion,
We look forwArd to our students returning tomorrow morning for the 2022 - 2023 school yeAr. PleAse remember that breAkfAst will be served until 7:40 A.m. Students will be Able to Arrive And enter the cAfeteriA As eArly As 7:15 A.m. School officiAlly begins At 7:45 A.m. DismissAl will be At 3:52 p.m. on MondAy - ThursdAy And At 3:19 p.m. on FridAy.
PleAse be mindful of the entrAnce and exit signs posted At the drop-off points. PleAse follow the procedures As posted. FAilure to do so puts our students and stAff in jeopArdy. In Addition, pleAse do not block the bus loAding And unloAding points neAr the cAfeteriA. If you Are dropping An elementAry student off, pleAse use the drop-off line. Do not Allow your student to get out At the street And run Across the pArking lot.
For secondAry students, if you drive to And from school And pArk on our cAmpus, you will be required to show proof of license and insurAnce. Additionally, you will be required to exit your vehicle once you Arrive on cAmpus. PleAse understAnd thAt once you Are here, you will not be Allowed to leAve unless A district employee speAks with your pArent.
All pArents And visitors to cAmpus will be required to show stAte ID. PleAse be prepAred to do so when entering district fAcilities. We look forwArd to An AmAzing yeAr for our PirAtes. PleAse contAct AdministrAtion for questions.
Please stay tuned for this Chilton ISD Community Announcement:
The Chilton Community Food Pantry is open today at the Chilton ISD Cafeteria from 9am to 11am!
Post these to CISD Facebook:
The stage is set! Come support the Lady Pirates Volleyball program 🏐🏴☠️
vs Mart
⏰ 4:30 p.m.
📍Chilton High School
Varsity Girls followed by JV
Thanks to everyone that attended our open house & community health fair. We are looking forward to the start of a great 2022-2023 school year!
Pirate Nation,
Please remember Open House is today from 4pm - 6pm. There will also be a community health fair in the cafeteria from 5pm - 7pm. Free sausage wraps and door prize drawings are available for all who attend. The football scrimmage will be at 6:30pm.
Pirate Nation,
Please remember Open House is today from 4pm - 6pm. There will also be a community health fair in the cafeteria from 5pm - 7pm. Free sausage wraps and door prize drawings are available for all who attend. The football scrimmage will be at 6:30pm.
The Chilton ISD Open House will take place on Thursday, August 18, 2022 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Parents should report directly to the campus, check-in, retrieve their child's schedule, and then proceed to meet the teacher. There will also be a Health Fair in the cafeteria from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This health fair will provide valuable information to parents and will allow students the opportunity to have the school required vaccinations administered free of charge. Finally, the Junior Varsity and Varsity football teams will scrimmage Thorndale beginning at 6:00 p.m.
We would love to see each of you tomorrow night.
Chilton ISD has received an A rating from TEA!
Cheers to our students, parents, and educators for your hard work and persistence. Despite the challenges we faced as a district we still maintained our high standard of academic excellence.
We Refuse To Sink!
Pirate Nation,
The time for tomorrow’s football scrimmage at Rice has changed to 6:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you all there.