Pirate Nation It’s Red Ribbon Week! Our dress days will be as follows: Monday – Dress all in black for the lives lost to drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Tuesday – Dress in all green for the money wasted on drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Wednesday – Dress in red to represent domestic abuse caused by addiction to drugs and alcohol. Thursday – Dress in stripes to represent the broken homes and marriages ruined by addiction. Friday – Dress in all blue to represent the tears shed for those addicted to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. For elementary, students it will be pajama day. Let’s shoot for 100% participation.
about 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Another Pirate Win! The Chilton Pirates are now 8-0!!!
about 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Chilton Pirates
It's Halftime!
about 2 years ago, George Stricklin
It's Game Day!
about 2 years ago, George Stricklin
It's Game Day!
about 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Lady Pirates
The Chilton Pirate Band received a Division 2 rating from all three judges in the Region 8 UIL marching contest! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
about 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Chilton Band
Pirate Nation, Families are invited to Chilton Elementary’s Family Night! The event is today, 6:00PM-6:30PM in the cafeteria to learn how Chilton ISD is protecting your students. Then 6:30-7:30 in the elementary gym for our Reading Camp Out! It’s not too late to join us!!!
about 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Seniors and their parents are invited to attend the FAFSA Family Night to complete the federal application for financial aid required for graduation. Staff will be present to answer questions and assist parents and students in completing the online application Wednesday, October 19 at 6:00 pm in the Chilton High School Library.
about 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Seniors and their parents are invited to attend the FAFSA Family Night to complete the federal application for financial aid required for graduation. Staff will be present to answer questions and assist parents and students in completing the online application Wednesday, October 19 at 6:00 pm in the Chilton High School Library.
about 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Lady Pirate Players of The Week
about 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Lady Pirates
CP Player of The Week 10/14/2022
about 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Daylon Ford
Happy Boss's Day to our incredible Superintendent, Dr. Brandon Hubbard!
about 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Dr. Hubbard
A celebration fit for a great LEADER. Thank you Chilton Elementary for celebrating Mrs. Ross.
about 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Boss’ Day
Boss’ Day
Boss’ Day
Boss’ Day
The Chilton ISD Annual Food Drive will start next monday, October 17, 2002. Classes with the largest donation by 11/18 will receive a prize. Kids can donate cash and cans! All donations will benefit our Chilton Food Pantry!
about 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Food Drive
Pirate Nation! Next week is Pink Out Week! To show our support for Breast Cancer Awareness we will have a Throwback Pink Out Pep Rally & Game. Wear your oldest pink shirt to school Friday, October 21, 2022. Prizes will be given to the oldest & most creative pink outfit.
over 2 years ago, George Stricklin
Breast Cancer Awareness
Our Wednesday Morning Mindset: 100% Accountable "At the end of the day we are accountable to ourselves - our success is a result of what we do.' - Catherine Pulsifer
over 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Morning Mindset
Students in 10th grade PAP and all 11th graders will take the PSAT and National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test this WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, in the high school. It is important for students to be on time for school as the test will begin shortly after 7:50 am. Students who are absent or are late in arriving at school will need to make arrangements to take the test on a later make-up date. Students will be notified before Wednesday where to report for the test. If parents have questions, they may contact the school counselor, Dr. Thompson, at the Secondary campus.
over 2 years ago, Brandon Hubbard
Pirate Nation, The Junior High Volleyball game is scheduled for Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in Chilton. Please support our junior high girls’ volleyball team.
over 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Our Monday Morning Mindset: Passion First “The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion." - Terry Orlick
over 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Morning Mindset
Pirate Nation, We are having school tomorrow and celebrating the final week of Hispanic Heritage Month. Our dress up days for the week are as listed below: Monday, October 10: Latino Celebrity Day Dress up as a Hispanic Celebrity, athlete or artist. Tuesday, October 11: Dia De Los Muertos Wear your sugar skulls Wednesday, October 12: Vaquero/ Ranchero Thursday, October 13: Soccer/ Futbol Jerseys Friday, October 14: Hispanic cultural attire and Hispanic Heritage Program at 2:30 p.m. This program will be streamed live for the general public.
over 2 years ago, Chilton ISD
Hispanic Heritage Celebration