Cross Country Results. Yadira De Leon Placed 1st. Great running by the entire team!!
Go Pirates!!
One day left to order your shirt! Please take payment and order to Mrs. Pamplin by end of day 9/29. These are selling fast and there will NOT be extras!
Chilton ISD Presents "Trunk or Treat" Fun for the entire family! There will be candy, games, bounce houses, and more. October 31 at Chilton ISD campus. Candy donations are excepted. Contact Niecee Smith for more information.
All next week will be dress up days for Hispanic Heritage Month. Be sure to represent on each of these days!
Chilton Pirates defeat Deweyville 34-8
Chilton Pirates are ahead of Deweyville 28-8 at the half.
Tonight the Pirates will travel to Trinity ISD to take on Deweyville. Kick-off is at 6pm.
Reminder: There is no school for students on Monday. Teachers will have Professional Learning Day.
Chilton High Alumni and Pirate Nation,
Alumni shirts are on sale for Homecoming on 10/13!
The shirt is a soft Tee grey shirt with royal blue print. You can also add Class of ---- on the back!
Price is $25 without the class
$30 with the class
Must be ordered and paid by 09/29.
Shirts will not be ordered without payment. Contact Mrs. Hubbard to order.
The Chilton School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is looking for parents and community members that would like to assist us in making Chilton the happiest, healthiest town in Texas!
Chilton Elementary Teacher Appreciation Award Winner for September
Tanya Graves
Chilton Secondary Teacher Of The Month
Niecee Smith
District Employee Of The Month Rachel Moreno.
Thank you all for the amazing job you do everyday for the students of Chilton ISD!!!
Chilton Elementary Students of the month!!! #refusetosink
Chilton ISD 6-12 grade Students of The Month for September. Way to go Students!!!
Homecoming is approaching. We are gearing up to celebrate. We have dress up days, a parade, block party, and lots of school spirit for our football game against Bartlett on October 13th. Celebrate with us!
7th and 8th grade Lady Pirates defeat Rosebud-Lott. Way to go Lady Pirates!!
Únase a nosotros para honrar la influencia de TODOS los abuelos el jueves 21 de septiembre mientras los abuelos disfrutan del almuerzo con sus nietos en nuestro lonche:
“Tacos Con Abuelos”
Join us as we honor the influence of ALL grandparents on Thursday, September 21 as grandparents enjoy lunch with their grandchild(ren) at our luncheon:
“Tacos Con Abuelos”
Pirates defeat the eagles! 19-13
Chilton Pirates lead at the half 6-0
Tickets for Tonight's game against Hearne at the Marlin ISD football stadium must be purchased online using the following link: